Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Blogger's Nightmare..

Well ... well ... well...

Finally, after so much clicking here and there... and to contend with all the snail pace... finally able to get the itch off my fingers !!!

Have yet to experience the thrill or the rush of adrenaline flowing ... hopefully soon ! Hmmm.... got to peep into other bloggers write-up to get some ideas .. no???

Will take one step at a time ... maybe learn to insert photos ??? Bit too ambitious at this point of time ?! One thing for sure... got to improve my spelling otherwise 'down the drain' will be the only way for my 'england' !!!


At least I know my lui2 and my soon to be god-daughter are eagerly waiting to read my posts .. hehehehe......

Not so interesting at the moment 'cos I am still quite blank but knowing me - once I start and when 'inspirasi' comes - wild horses won't be able to hold me back ... hahaha...

Have to ask my sifu how to insert cute little icons to pep-up my jottings; would be nice & interesting too !!!

So very hot & humid today ... feeling so sticky ... gonna take shower !

Ken just left for buddy's 'blissful journey to the next millienium' (kahwin dinner lah) and this morning he was the 'heng dai' ... hahaha...... imagine that !!! Aiy... hopefully tonight he'll come back walking a straight line unlike his best buddy the other night but.... at least he still recognised me ( I meant his buddy - knows I am the 'aunty' !!) Hohoho....

Ken told me he'll be taking me to test drive the VW Golf GTI tomorrow and also test the Audi something something... poof... The other day was telling me I should drive 4W so that other road users can 'AVOID' me & that I'll be safer when on the road !!! What's he trying to say huh???!!! Hello??! Me luv to drive long haul leh... Dog's eyes look people down (eh... just in case, for my lui2 who's a mat salleh now and don't understand china - direct translation = underestimate )

Hmmmm.....blank now...... weather too humid !! Shall I try again during the night?????? Maybe... gotta take that shower !!


SC said...

Congratulations on your new blog ! Let's celebrate ! Hahaha...

Unknown said...

mama!! finally you update!!.. wahh test drive so many nice cars ah. so syok! You should put up a tagbox soon!! Who's your soon to be god-daughter??
Eh, your lui lui not mat salleh ok.. For some odd reason, I think i became more cinapek ever since I came to boston...

Unknown said...

ahem..why no more updates wan

SC said...

Eloo... time to update ur blog ler.... n how was d test drive ?