Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hello / Goodbye - Friday, October 12, 2007

One lesson everyone should learn is 'time management' !!! 'Cos if your management of this precious commodity is lax ... aha... it is real painful !!! As in the case with my kai chai ! He has to pay for a Jap lunch for 4 bow tau foo beauties no less ... yummy....

He's a good kai chai tho' ... Told him to accompany me to the Buddhist Centre for the last dhamma talk by Uncle Vijaya and he dutifully went !!! Sadhu to my kai chai !!! Went to McD thereafter and he enjoyed the talk... Well, 'cos he has become a zombie after 7 months with mead !!! Luckily, he's still functioning !! Whew...... Going to P'ng 2moro with girlfriend during the raya break. This godma told him to be cautious leh ... don't accidently make unnecessary beings ... nanti susah oooooorrr...

1 comment:

SC said...

Well, it was a good lunch :P Free some more .... he should be late more often for our gatherings :P