Thursday, October 18, 2007

Six Weeks Faithful Transport - Friday, October 5, 2007

Wah... really couldn't believe that my kwai chai faithfully ferried me to and fro every Friday (since September 7, 2007) to SJBA for his ma to gain some wisdom !!! For that I am deeply grateful !!! He was using my 'wheels' ma ... but I was also scared of the 'dark' lah (to be frank !) ... Don't really understand this 'fear' ... unlike those times when I worked all those graveyard hours !!! Heart getting smaller - I think ... hehehehe...... Oops... gall also gone ... taken out in year 2002 !!! Aha... must be the reason !!!

Tonight, kwai chai was made to wait for half an hour ... eh.. 'cos the talk was soooo interesting - By Bro Charlie Chia (U-Plant GM) - a veteran !!! Sadhu3 to him !! Anyway, this is the 2nd last lesson and Bro Charlie's last. Would like to attend his dhamma talk or courses in future though !!!

Luckily, kwai chai's face wasn't that 'dark' looking (hehehehe...) and he went 'fiva' (sudah janji kawan2 and waiting elsewhere ... oops...) ! Of course, during the ride home ... kwai chai asked for compensation ... !! Compensation???? Hey! Your ma no dough leh !!! Anyway, being the diplomatic being I am ... I told him I'll buy him big, big sustenance - anything he fancies - but he was shocked and asked me 'What ???!!! As if it's not bad enough that I've got a 45" waistline???" ... and he said "NO NEED !!" and hehehe... that's what I was hoping he'll say right?! kekekee....

Totter here titter there and it's 1.00 am.... yawn ....

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