Thursday, October 18, 2007

Raya 2007 First Day - Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sooooo eeriiiiieeeeee..... normal isn't it??! Long break ma... every immigrant left town / taman lah... so only locals left - which are few and far between ...

So, since I am a good citizen, look after the neighbours lah... (actually, my neighbours didn't go back to K. Kangsar) and I got ambitious and try to re-arrange my 'library' of books. Wow ... didn't know I've so many books and (ahem) so many not read yet !!! Pray I have enough time to finish all.... For sure, I am going to give out lots too...

Rain cats and dogs in the evening ... kwai chai told me he might be going to Melaka (convoy ! alamak !) !!! Huh??? In this downpour ??? Then, Tarzan ajak go to 1-U watch movie and dinner. Nice movie - 'Chuck (?) & Larry' ... but the food is C- (Wong Kok Char Charn Ten)... no good...

Time flies ...

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