Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

North & East Coast

Wow... last week Monday (November 5), went to Penang (free ride) and all because I've been thinking of the steam fish in Nibong Tebal !!! This is what we called 'greed' lor... but come to think of it ... I am not really that 'greedy' after all ... once awhile a person can have the privilege to succumb to its 'urge' mah.... don't you all agree??? Anyway, was back the next day and again went to Nibong Tebal to have my steam fish again .... slurpppp....

Came Saturday (November 10), went to Pahang to exhale .... and the trip - so so lor... Aiy... when your heart is burdened, you don't really get to 'enjoy' anything - even the beautiful surroundings which should not be the case !!! This is because for the past months I've been reading so many dhamma books and I know it to be true ... No wonder one dhamma speaker said it is easier said than done i.e., to 'let go' !!! 'Let go!?' he asked let go what??? Not easy, not easy but can be done and definitely not alone !! especially if it was a prolonged period.

Came back on Tuesday (KL) in the midst of a 'storm' PLUS horrendous traffic snarl !!! Very tiring but am so pleased 'cos I got to hitch a ride back home + makan at Fei Lo Mok Yong Tau Foo !!!

On Wednesday, got up real early to settle my Celcom refund. Imagine that (!!!) - I terminated the line in July and the company was supposed to refund my RM100 deposit but instead what they did was to give me a billing of RM3 + RM0.15 for itemised billing and service tax!!! and started to deduct from my 100 bucks !!! Gosh ! Can you beat that????? So of course must go and make my presense felt lah !!! Am I too much??? Hmph...moreover I am not gainfully employed and even though if I am - I am definitely not going to let them eat my 100 bucks like that... So easy to earn a hundred bucks meh???!!! Anyway, by nature I am not a she-devil lah... so after showing them all the borang-borang (documents) they told me ................... system error !!! So have to send a report and will come back to me regarding their 'report'. I very gently told them - I am not interested in their report. I just want my money back - FINITO !!!
Have to wait 2 weeks ... what to do... big company versus small little old lady mah.... sob...sob...

Went to Petaling Street as I wanted to get the gold 'counter' for my prayer beads but was not matching... so in the end didn't get it. Then my friend said go Taman OUG to get crates of beer from a friend (pre-order lah) cheap cheap.... and off we went. Wah... horror of horrors ... just only the previous 2 weeks... this friend's office/showroom was robbed !!! When she recounted the story my hair stood on end and she lost 15 lbs since !!! Couldn't sleep or eat !! Poor thing !! Well, it was really scary.

What happened was it was almost 7.00 pm that night and they were ready to leave. There was this young guy (age about 25, wearing long sleeve shirt, tuck-in) knocking on the glass door (was locked all the time) and pointing to a water filter machine which was on promotion. So this friend went to open the door and before she knows what hitted her - she saw a knife at her pelvis (about 8" long) and the boss sitting at one of the desk outside had a knife to his neck !!! How did this 2nd guy came in ??? It happened so fast that no one really knows. All these guys said was 'kou choy' meaning they only want money only. The boss guy kept asking for his merc E230 car keys. Gave him the car keys lor ... snatched his mont blanc pen from his shirt pocket, empty his wallet and took cash about 2K.

Our friend??? Ha... LV bag (+ purse) with loads of rubbish inside, 2 small diamond rings, gold chain & pendant (the guy pulled it from her neck as it was tied up with strings at the hook -just like grandma used to teach - scared the hook came loose ma... hmmm... guess old ma never bargained with the changing times) but gave back the credit cards (they did ask for pin numbers but told them unlikely they'll be able to use it), IC, etc., oh yeah... plus a blue sapphire watch - must be expensive though. Oh yes.... they also hijacked her Honda Civic. Couldn't start the merc so it is 'lucky boss' !!! We believed they came to hijack the merc (main target) but due to the security thingy or maybe they are all young guys and they dont know how to start a merc??? Possible??? They came in a gold coloured Vois !!!

After this trauma in the office you know what happened?? Her neighbour kena robbed a week later !!! These guys came in a 4W (Pajero) and have loaded all they wanted from the house. This neighbour came back (it was noon time) while the Pajero was reversing. Neighbour was driving a Myvi - stopped at the gate so Pajero cannot come out lor !!! You know what??? This baddie got down from the 4W and shouted to the owner to move his car or he'll bang his car !!! How charming .... Pajero vs Myvi - so owner have to reverse and watched his household things being carted away in broad daylight !!! What is this world coming to??? Young guys and they dont look 'gangster' at all !!! Like our friend said, 'so young .. can last how long with this kind of life??'

Luckily, we said our friend & gang were not injured/hurt in any way - a real blessing in disguise. Oh I forgot !! Our friend told us that the previous week before the episode at her office - there was this robbery behind her shoplot. It's a saloon I think and you know what????? The girls were made to strip and they even took away their underwear!!! Reason?? So the girls won't give chase !!! What blimey !!! As if the girls will give chase !!! When recounting this, our friend said that night luckily they didn't ask her to strip ... imagine if they did ... she told us she won't ever be able to face the boss and the other guys in the office ... ever ... horror !!! So we told her it's a blessing and she did a lot of good merits otherwise we'll start driving up to 'ching san' to visit her !!!

Had a really bad day yesterday (Thursday) and its effects still hitting today. But am so glad my old kawan coming to have dinner with me. Going for some nice steamboat. Yum yum .... Going to yack until the sun rises.....

Ok .. go pom pom (shower) and do liang liang (dress-up) ...

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